Digital Audio Productions
Pacific Technology Solutions (dba. Info-Motion, circa 2007) produced the first approved interpretive audio walking tour program of Arlington National Cemetery for visitors walking the grounds on their own. The listening tracks were designed for the iPod Nano and provided historic audio clips and narrative interpretation of the various venues (such as Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Kennedy Gravesite). The audio program was approved for use by the Superintendent of Arlington, the National Park Service , The GWMP Association, and WIMSA.
Visitors to the cemetery who were preparing to walk the historic grounds rent the portable listening device at the Visitor Center and now had an audio companion to provide interpretation and explanation of the grounds. The tracks provide context and feature historic audio clips relating to the most recognizable graves and monuments. The cemetery walking audio tour experience was made available to visitors through the ANC Visitor Center Gift Store operated by Eastern National. A second program was produced for the FDR Memorial at the Tidal Basin designed for the iPod III and included visual content. These audio/video productions were tailored for personal audio/video devices and a self paced visit. The rich programming content is designed to bring the listener into the historical context by featuring real audio clips from the personalities and events depicted in the memorial venue. The narrative is broken into tracks that can be played in any order and correspond to the natural stopping and observation points of the sites. An illustrated map of the cemetery was produced that identified the audio tracks to the corresponding recommended listening locations along the winding pathways and plazas.Intentionally detailed in content and thoughtfully soundscaped, the tracks serve to create an immersive sensory experience that provides historical context to each venue and the surroundings. One of the highlights of the program is the narration of the ‘Changing of the Guard’ ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown solider. Actual iPod featuring the custom audio menu shown below:
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